Living conditions in Imizamo Yethu

Dichtbij het prachtige Hout Bay bij Kaapstad ligt de township Imizamo Yethu, Imizamo Yethu ontstond in het begin van de jaren 90’ toen 450 families naar Hout Bay verhuisden. In Hout Bay wonen vooral blanke, rijke mensen, dichtbij de armere zwarte gemeenschap in Imizamo Yethu. Inmiddels wonen er zo’n 30.000 mensen in, die veelal Xhosa spreken. Van oorsprong komen zij vanuit de Eastern Cape en hebben zij zich samen met andere Afrikaanse immigranten in Imizamo Yethu gevestigd.

Despite the many developments since then, the living conditions in the township are far from ideal. Most people are forced to live in so called shacks. There are hardly any sanitary facilities or running water. This leads to serious heath problems for a large part of the inhabitants of Imizamo Yethu. In addition, Imizamo Yethu is located in a high-risk fire area and lacks support services in the near vicinity. Combined with a high unemployment rate, this leads to addiction to alcohol and drugs, violent gangs and children and women abuse.

Little Lambs Educare

In 1999 Marlena & Johann van der Walt founded SEEDS Trust and started Little Lambs Educare, a daycare centre for young children in Imizamo Yethu. By founding Little Lambs, Marlena and Johann want to give unemployed parents the opportunity to search for work.

In the course of time, Little Lambs developed into a daycare centre where during five days a week, about 260 children (from 10 months to six years of age) can be taken care of. Between 2007 and 2012, the school was renovated. After this renovation, the school now consists of 11 classes, 17 water closets, a kitchen with many facilities, a veranda and a large playground. The school is operated by a school head and complete staff.

Mission Little Lambs Educare

Little Lambs Educare aims to prepare young children for primary school and provide continuing education to contribute to a good start of life. Additional goals are to create spaces to play and learn safely. Furthermore, children are provided with a warm meal, vital for the physical and mental development of young children.

Betrokkenheid Little Superheroes

De meeste ouders betalen een bijdrage voor de opvang van hun kinderen. Daarnaast is er financiering vanuit de overheid, maar dit geldt niet voor alle kinderen. Niet alle ouders kunnen de school fees betalen (door verschillende omstandigheden). Onder andere hierdoor is Little Lambs Educare nog steeds voor een klein deel afhankelijk van donaties. Little Superheroes draagt, waar nodig, bij aan (lopende) kosten voor het voortbestaan van Little Lambs Educare. Het streven is om de daycare zo zelfvoorzienend mogelijk te laten zijn en te kijken naar duurzame oplossingen. 
